The boy who was raised as a girl | The JOHN/JOAN experiment (spoiler: goes wrong). El niño que se crio como una niña. El experimento John/Joan (spoiler: sale mal)
Bruce Reimer is part of the history of psychology, he was born as Bruce, they turned him into Brenda and he died as David Reimer. What determines that we define ourselves as a man or a woman? It depends on being born with a certain sexual physiology, genes, gonads, hormones, and genitalia. If we are born with a typical male appearance we will identify ourselves as a man, if we are born with a typical female appearance we will identify ourselves as a woman. But the reality does not fit with such a simple answer, we know that there are people who have sexual characteristics that are not clearly male or female, such as intersex people, and despite this, within this group there are people who develop an identity as men or women. We also know that there are people who, despite being born with defined sexual characteristics, develop an identity that does not match, as is the case of transsexual people, that is, reality shows us that being born with the classic male physiology does not It i...